Are you a small business owner with not enough time in the day? Do you struggle with keeping up with all of your responsibilities? This article is for you.
Are you a small business owner with not enough time in the day? Do you struggle with keeping up with all of your responsibilities? This article is for you.
Here are some expert tips to be more secure online. This should be a primary rule for anyone using a website. But there are other factors to consider, apart from the security measures you are looking for. Web developers and technicians should be consulted, but only after having done all this research. It is best […]
Any small business, a new startup, or other organization that chooses to discount the importance of cybersecurity could be making a very costly mistake. Failure to take adequate steps to protect data and online accounts can easily lead to a breach. The following tips can go a long way towards ensuring small business owners can […]
The growth of technology over the years has seen the advancement of several sectors in the industry. Companies can now take advantage of cloud storage. But what about cloud security? If the data is not secured, there is a high possibility that unauthorized persons can access all the critical information. It is possible when a […]
If you're a more hardcore computer user, you might be thinking that you already know all of the tips & tricks that could help you. However, you might be missing out on many of these computer tips that could help you with your daily work. Check out these tips & tricks to use while you're […]
The Internet has significantly transformed people's lives, but ransomware attacks have made it a dangerous place. Today, cybercriminals have devised new strategies to execute cybercrimes. Ransomware, which refers to malicious software that locks your computer and hinders you from accessing your data until you pay a ransom, has become a significant threat to information stored […]
Statistics indicate that approximately 60% of employees in the United States are working from home due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. This has created problems for employers due to the increase in cyberattacks. With businesses rapidly deploying remote systems and networks to support employees working from home, hackers are taking advantage of increased security vulnerability […]
Data backup is not something that most people consider to be important. Think of it as an insurance policy for everything your business needs to survive. We actually offer data backups as a service, but their importance is often overlooked. Here are the top five reasons you should use a backup copy. #1: Audits, Archives, […]
As COVID-19 caused havoc on many industries worldwide in 2020, cybersecurity becomes another issue facing businesses. We are living in an era when cybersecurity trends are part of technological advancement. Now that we are in 2021, our reliance on technology is still on; hence, our network's threat still exists. The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing workers […]
If you use a certain Echo or Ring device, do you know that it could be sharing your network bandwidth and data with other users right now? A brand-new concept in shared public networks has been launched by Amazon to extend the capabilities of its IoT devices. It’s being done by taking bandwidth from networks […]