

January 20, 2021
What is Zero Trust Security and Why Should You Be Using It?

A new security standard has been gaining popularity because it combats both Zero-day malware and insider threats by taking a “trust no one” approach. This security policy is called Zero Trust. 2020 saw an unprecedented number of cyberattacks on all vectors, from ransomware to IoT attacks. The FBI reported a 400% increase in cybercrime reports during the […]

January 6, 2021
Small Business HIPAA Compliance "Cheat Sheet"

Small health care providers, such as private practices and dental offices, can sometimes get intimidated by the thought of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability compliance and what that means. Failure to comply with HIPAA guidelines can mean higher fines in the case of a breach of protected health information (PHI). The regulation uses a sliding scale, […]

December 23, 2020
5 Quick Tips to Improve Microsoft 365 Security

During the midst of the pandemic as more organizations were rapidly moving to cloud productivity tools, the U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) put out an alert to warn users of rapid Microsoft 365 deployments. The issue found was that companies were migrating to the cloud platform quickly due to pandemic-related lockdown orders and were often not putting […]

December 9, 2020
What You Need to Know About Impending Loss of Support for Internet Explorer 11

They say the only constant is change, and that’s never been more true than when you’re dealing with technology. Operating systems, hardware, and software continue to evolve, making it necessary to upgrade and leave behind tools and cloud solutions that you may have been using for years.  One of the long-time browsers that have been a mainstay […]

November 25, 2020
What Technology Purchases Can I Make for 2020 Tax Deductions?

If you’re a business owner in Houston or anywhere else, beyond the normal end-of-the-year things on your mind, you’re most likely already looking ahead to your 2020 taxes. Because there are only a few more weeks left in 2020, it’s important to consider any purchase you may want to make that can be used for […]

November 4, 2020
How Can QoS Improve Internet Quality

Office networks have been coming under increased strain over the last few years as more activities fight to be first in line for bandwidth, causing all sorts of issues with the internet quality around the office. About 15 years ago, computers and servers were the main devices connecting to wireless business networks, and it was […]

October 21, 2020
Boost Employee Security with Ideas from National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

It’s not always easy to come up with new ways to promote cybersecurity among your employees. So, when an opportunity like National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) comes around it gives you a great opportunity to revisit the topic. IT security should be an ongoing priority for any Houston business because just one successful phishing attack or account […]

September 30, 2020
Are You Backing Up Your Cloud Platforms (Microsoft 365, G Suite, etc.)?

Companies were already largely moving their data and processes to the cloud even before the pandemic hit, and the crisis accelerated that process. Businesses realized the need to have data stored safely in a place their team could access from any location and any device through the use of third-part cloud platforms. A problem that […]

September 16, 2020
6 Ways to Keep from Becoming a Ransomware Victim

Ransomware is one of the most damaging types of malware for a business. It can bring operations to a standstill by encrypting all of a company’s files and making them unusable. The criminal then requests a ransom to provide a decryption key to return access to the files so a company can operate as usual […]

September 2, 2020
Should We Worry About TikTok Being on Company Devices?

One of the social media apps that’s been in the spotlight thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic is TikTok. The app’s popularity grew dramatically as people stuck at home looked for new ways to connect and entertain themselves. The app allows users to make short videos, add music and effects right in the app, and share […]

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Digital Crisis LLC

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