

March 25, 2020
5 Tips for a Successful Remote Workforce Transition During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Business continuity and disaster planning is all about being prepared in the case of unexpected work-altering events. The coronavirus pandemic is one that definitely fits that definition. Here in Houston, bars have just been closed and restaurants are now takeout/pickup only. With local governments around the country closing schools and asking people to shelter in […]

March 4, 2020
What is Your Disaster Plan If Something Happens to Your Office

What would you do if you had an unexpected flood or fire at your office? What if a strong storm caused the power to go out for days? Those types of disasters, whether natural or manmade, can be devastating to a business if they don’t have a disaster recovery plan. A surprising 75% of small businesses haven’t […]

February 19, 2020
6 Compelling Reasons to Put Your Business Phone System in the Cloud

Cloud adoption has skyrocketed in the last 5 years as businesses have discovered the magic combination of lower costs and more capabilities by moving their work processes and software to cloud-based services. The Cloud is the perfect example of how technology can improve a company’s productivity and capabilities at the same time as making their […]

February 11, 2020
How Managed Backups Can Save Your Business and Money in the Long Run

It’s all too easy to put off getting managed backups – until it’s too late and your business data has disappeared. Despite the proven pain of data loss, many small to medium businesses (SMBs) continue to stick their heads in the sand when thinking about the need for backup. Don’t fall prey to these common […]

February 5, 2020
Why You Should Be Using Multi-Factor Authentication with Office 365

One of the hottest sale items on the Dark Web are login credentials. Those user name and password combinations can get a hacker anywhere from $12 to $120 each, and Office 365 login credentials are among the most lucrative. One of the most important best practices when it comes to cybersecurity is to ensure you’re using […]

January 22, 2020
5 Important Ways that a Managed Services Provider Can Save Your Business Money

Companies trying to reduce their costs often cut corners in various areas. They may handle their own social media account rather than hiring an outside consultant and may try to deal with IT maintenance and security on their own. While some budget-conscious decisions are frugal, others can actually cost you more than the alternative, and […]

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Digital Crisis LLC

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