

August 19, 2020
The Risks of Using “Average Joe IT Guy” vs a Managed Services Provider

One mistake that we see clients make is the use of “Average Joe IT guy” to handle their small business technology needs instead of a professional IT support service. Average Joe may seem fine at first, when you just need a new email address set up or have a simple IT need. But as soon […]

August 5, 2020
Tips for Putting Your Data in the Right Place When Migrating to Microsoft 365

There was already a major move to cloud platforms even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The stay-at-home orders just drove home the point of how important it is to use services that allow your business to operate from anywhere. One of the most popular cloud solutions for businesses in Houston and throughout the world is Microsoft 365. […]

July 22, 2020
Shadow IT Has Skyrocketed During the Pandemic. Here's How to Stop It!

The rapid adjustment to remote workers has caused many issues in its wake, from software bloat to unsecure networks. 61% of cybersecurity professionals express concern about the IT security risks associated with that unplanned adjustment to a remote workforce. One of the big adjustments for Houston businesses was the need to move to cloud solutions to keep work-from-home employees […]

July 1, 2020
Is It Time to Consider Moving to Windows Virtual Desktop?

In the wake of the COVID-19 lockdowns, many Houston area businesses have been rethinking the way they do things. The need to adjust to virtual operations run by remote working employees quickly uncovered chinks in the armor of certain business processes. Not all can be easily moved from onsite to remote execution. One example would […]

June 17, 2020
5 Best Upgrades to Breathe New Life Into Your Older Computer

The price tag for purchasing a new computer often means that individuals and businesses struggle instead with a device that has become increasingly slow and problematic. People also tend to get very attached to their computers and don’t like the thought of changing or having to move their “computing life” over to an entirely new […]

June 3, 2020
Important Tech Concerns When You Reopen Your Office After 6-8 Weeks

Many business owners are looking forward to reopening after a long shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Around Houston, Texas, and the rest of the country, things are slowly opening back up bit by bit. But if you just walk into your building after six to eight+ weeks, turn on all your technology and think […]

May 20, 2020
Stop Spammers from Spoofing Your Email & Stop Blocked Message Problems at the Same Time

It’s no surprise that phishing remains one of the biggest problems that companies face. Phishing attacks are responsible for a majority of data breaches and other cybersecurity incidents that happen around the world. And things have been getting worse. Here are a few recent indicators that not only does phishing remain strong, but that it’s […]

May 6, 2020
Smart Tips for Using Office 365 Sensitivity Labels for Document Security

No matter what industry you work in – legal, accounting, retail, or something else – document security can quickly become an issue. How do you ensure sensitive documents aren’t accidentally emailed to the wrong person or that confidential files can’t be copied? If you’re just using folder security at the basic level in your cloud services, […]

April 22, 2020
Phishing Attacks Have Risen 667% Due to COVID-19 Scams (Phishing Safety)

There are a number of factors that make this new “stay at home” environment a particularly vulnerable one when it comes to cybersecurity. One of those factors is that thousands of people in the Greater Houston area and throughout the country are working from home for the first time. This is the result of companies […]

April 8, 2020
Is Hanging on to Old Computers Too Long Costing Your Company?

Some companies take an “If it’s not broke, don’t replace it” approach to their computers. Even though they may be past the average 5-year mark for replacement, they want to get as many years out of them as possible before having to purchase new ones. But just because a computer “technically” works, doesn’t mean it’s […]

We make IT work

Providing superior, high-quality, and professional IT services 
in the Houston Area.

Digital Crisis LLC

Houston IT Support
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Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm CST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Emergency Support: 24/7
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5718 Westheimer Rd.
Suite 1000
Houston, TX 77057
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333 N Washington Ave Suite 300-9007, Minneapolis, MN 55401
A Houston IT Service Provider
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